Established by Jesus.
Join us Sundays at 10:00am
We are an independent Christian group who want to get back to basics and strive to be the church that Jesus established without any man-made trappings or traditions. Jesus is our only leader and the only way to salvation and we strive to be obedient to all of his teachings…
“God our Saviour wants all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Jesus Christ, Who gave himself as a ransom for all people” (1 Timothy 2:4-6).
We recognise that the Bible is God-breathed and therefore contains everything we need for life and godliness and that there is no way to God except through Jesus Christ.
We also believe that God’s gracious gift of salvation offered to all can only be received through a Faith that leads us to Repent, Confess Jesus as Lord and Christ and Baptism.
We keep our service simple with prayer, bible teaching, singing, group discussions and partake of the Lord’s supper each week as instructed by Jesus.
We wholeheartedly welcome visitors.
Meeting Time:
10:00am Sundays with morning tea to follow the service.
Church Address:
Baranduda Community Centre
3 Sage Ct
Baranduda VIC 3691
Email: tniethe@gmail.com
Open & Friendly
We wholeheartedly welcome visitors.
Help & Encourage
We encourage each other toward love and good works.
Back to Basics
We keep our service simple without any made-made trappings or traditions.
We aim to share God’s love with all who choose to worship with us, caring for them as people who are made in the image of God.
News & Announcements
Interesting things can go here.
Contact us
Send us an email by using the form below.
The Border Church
Baranduda Community Centre
3 Sage Ct
Baranduda VIC 3691
Email: tniethe@gmail.com
Matt Bain 0439 453 734
Tim Niethe 0400 773 037